Barlborough Primary School

Barlborough Primary School

Aiming Higher - Together

High Street, Barlborough, S43 4ET

01246 810381

Our School Houses

Our School Houses

Every student in our school is a proud member of one of our unique school houses throughout their time at Barlborough Primary School. Aligned with our core values, these houses, named after key historical figures from the Barlborough community, provide a platform for students to express their individual talents across various aspects of school life. This house system fosters teamwork and unity, allowing students to collectively implement our school's values.
Students actively contribute to this cause by participating in a variety of competitions and activities throughout the academic year, spanning academics, sports, and more. Each point they earn individually also contributes to their school house's total.

As the academic year concludes, the house amassing the most points is honoured as the 'House Champions' and awarded the prestigious school trophy!

Join us in celebrating camaraderie, achievement, and a shared commitment to our school community.

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