Awesome Owls (Year 3)
Spring 2 Newsletter
I hope everyone has had a great half term break and enjoyed some family time together.
This half term we are continuing our topic focused on history – The Romans. We will further our learning by looking at the types of homes and towns the Romans created, the work Emperor Hadrian completed in Northern England, the Roman number system and Roman Gods and Goddesses.
- Mount Cook: There will be a parent’s information meeting in the school hall on Tuesday 1st April at 5:30pm
- – We will be having a celebratory Roman’s day on Thursday 3rd April. We invite all children (and staff) to dress up as Romans – so get those bed sheets ready and sandals out for togas, or get that blue war face paint on to be a Celt – a part of a Boudiccan army or even a Roman soldier or centurion.
In English, we will look be developing some of our grammatical skills. We are going to be paying particular attention to sentence structure and continue to master the different types of complex sentences. We will also be writing a newspaper report linked to our topic.
Our Maths lessons will start with length and Perimeter before moving onto fractions then mass and capacity.
Online Safety:
We will be exploring copyright and what this means. We will discuss the use of images and what it means. We will explore lots of different scenarios about using a range of images from the internet
Our PE days we still be Mondays and Wednesdays. Please make sure that your child comes to school in their P.E kit on Monday, swimming will continue up till Easter. Please can children make sure they are wearing the correct PE kit. Please make sure your child brings a warm tracksuit top/hoodie and tracksuit bottoms if it is a particularly cold day, even though it is the spring term.
- Reading books at an age appropriate level (within the year 3 ZPD range)
- I can take note of punctuation when reading aloud.
- I can discuss my understanding of the text.
- I can draw inferences around characters’ thoughts, feelings, actions and motives, and justify them with evidence from the text using the PE prompt (Point + Evidence).
The expectation will be that parents listen to children read their own books at home at least 3 times per week. Please remember to keep a record of the number of reads your child is completing, by recording this in their reading diary. These will be collected in and counted every Friday. Thank you for your support.
Science: - animals
- Can name the nutrients found in food.
- Can state that to be healthy we need to eat the right types of food to give us the correct amount of these nutrients.
- Name some bones that make up the skeleton giving examples that support, help them move or provide protection.
- Can describe how muscles and joints help them to move. Classify food groups (high/low nutrients), answer question’s about nutrients in food, use data to look for patterns. Give similarities and differences between skeletons.
Your child will continue to receive homework every Friday to be handed in by the following Wednesday. Please send me a message if there are any issues with this or if there is an activity your child has found difficult and, where possible, we will follow this up in class.
Date Homework is sent home
Homework |
Friday 28th February
English Comprehension p 10/p11 Dragons and Marsh mellows |
Friday 7th March
Maths homework p27/p28 – measuring problems |
Friday 14th March
English Comprehension p12/13 – Lets Get Growing |
Friday 21st March
Writing homework – a newspaper report |
Friday 28th March
Maths homework p22/p23 fractions |
Friday 4th April
Holiday Homework – New topic |
I will send home a half term overview of spellings so that you can see which spellings we are working on each week. Spellings will continue to be put on ClassDojo on a Friday to remind you of what your child needs to practice. We will be having spelling tests every Friday based on these words. Spelling books will go home on Friday night so that you can see how your child has done in the test but these must come back to school with your child on a Monday morning. We will also be having a times tables test every Friday on a specific times table each week. Again, I’ll continue to put this on ClassDojo each Friday. Please remember you can also practice our weekly spellings by using spelling shed.
If you have any questions or if there is anything I can do to help then please do not hesitate to ask.
Kind regards
Mr Fidler – Year 3 class teacher
Curriculum Web and Topic Knowledge Organisers for this half term.
Please take a look at the wonderful things we will be learning about this half term.
Name | |
Knowledge organiser Romans.docx | Download |
Please see below for this half terms spelling list and Timetables
Spring 1 Newsletter
I will start the first Newsletter of 2025 by wishing everyone a happy new year!! A very warm welcome back to school after the Christmas break. I hope you all were able to enjoy time together as a family.
This half term our topic will be Revolting Romans. We will learn when did the Roman army successfully invade and occupy part of Britain and how did direct Roman rule end. We will find out who Julius Caesar was and what his significance was. We will learn what some of the belief systems of Roman people were and how did Roman people dress and find entertainment.
In Literacy, we will be writing a diary based on that of a Roman Gladiator and we will produce a non - chronological report linked to our Romans Topic. Our maths will focus on multiplying and dividing linked to the x2, x3, x4 and x8 tables. We will then move onto informal and formal ways of multiplying and dividing 2 digits by a 1 digit number.
In our E Safety lesson we will explore and describe appropriate ways to behave towards other people on line and learn why this is important.
PE kit
Our PE days are on a Monday and Wednesday. Please make sure your child comes to school in PE kit on Mondays. Please make sure your child brings a warm tracksuit top because we will aim to be outside where possible. On Wednesdays will continue swimming. This will resume on Wednesday 15th January. We will be swimming in 2 more blocks of 5 up until Easter.
We will listen to children read in school in a variety of situations. When you listen to your child read separately, please keep a record of this in their home school reading diary. We will collect these in every Friday and count them on our journey up our class reading trees of bronze, silver and gold. Please make sure your child aims to bring in their reading book and reading together book every day in school.
* I can read a range of non-fiction texts, e.g. information, discussion, explanation, biography and persuasion.
* I can predict what might happen from details and events in the text.
Science: - light
- To recognise we need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light
- Recognise that light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect your eyes.
- Recognise that shadows are formed when light from a source is blocked by an opaque object.
Your child will continue to receive homework every Friday to be handed in by the following Wednesday. Please dojo me with any problems or activity your child has found hard and where possible we will follow this up in class.
Date Homework is set: |
Friday 10th January
Maths – Homework book
Friday 17th January |
English Reading Comprehension Book.
Friday 24th January
Maths – Homework book or homework sheet |
Friday 31st January
English writing homework
Friday 7th February
Maths Homework book or Homework sheet |
Friday 14th February
Topic Homework/ carousel quiz on new topic. |
Spellings will be handed out on a Friday to be tested the following Friday. Children can take their books home so that you can see their results, but they must have their book back in school every Monday.
Times tables will be tested every Friday morning. Children will be learning a selected times table during our weekly maths lesson. The aim is for all children to know their times tables up to 12x12 by the end of year 4. Any short practice, at any time will help your child to know all their facts for quick recall. For most of the half term I will test the children using the Daily 10 Top marks website: It will be set at level 4 and we will be on a 10 second interval for each question. We may occasionally practice using the 7 second interval as well, as this is more in line with the expected time expected by the end of year 4. Over the Autumn children all of the children have become more fluent in learning and reciting their times tables. Thank you for your support. This can be practiced at home at any time.
Kind regards
Mr Fidler – Class teacher year 3
Curriculum Web and Topic Knowledge Organisers for this half term.
Please take a look at the wonderful things we will be learning about this half term.
Knowledge Organiser
Name | |
Knowledge organiser Romans.docx | Download |
Please see below for this half terms spelling list and Timetables
Autumn 2 Newsletter
A very warm welcome back to school after the half term break. I hope you all were able to enjoy time together as a family.
This half term our topic will be Shop Till you Drop. We will explore how you might choose to shop if you live in Barlborough. We will interpret some shopping survey data and identify which local towns and cities shopping centres are located in. We will find out what kinds of shops and services you can find in the centre of Chesterfield and hopefully supplement this with a trip into the Centre in Chesterfield.
In Literacy, we will be writing a story with a familiar setting and for our non-fiction writing we will be writing an explanation text. Our Maths lessons will focus on addition and subtraction and multiplication and division. Please keep on regularly practicing your times tables. They really do make a difference to all maths work completed in class.
PE kit
Our PE days are on Monday and Wednesday. Please make sure your child comes to school in PE kit on Mondays. Please make sure your child brings a warm tracksuit top because we will aim to be outside where possible. We will continue swimming on Wednesdays starting on Wednesday 6th November 2024 for a block of 5 weeks.
We will listen to children read in school in a variety of situations. When you listen to your child read separately, please keep a record of this in their home school reading diary. We will collect these in every Friday and count them on our journey up our class reading trees. Please make sure your child aims to bring in their reading book and reading together book every day in school.
- Reading books at an age appropriate level
- Use knowledge of root words to understand meanings of words
- To use prefixes and suffixes to understand meanings
- I can make predictions based on information stated and implied
Science: - Magnets and Forces
- I can ask relevant scientific questions.
- I can use observations and knowledge to answer scientific questions.
- I can set up a simple enquiry to explore a scientific question.
- I can set up a fair test and explain why it is fair.
Online Safety:
How well can I explain what is meant by ‘trusting someone online’?
why this is different from ‘liking someone online’, and why it is important to be careful about who to trust online including what information and content they are trusted with
Your child will continue to receive homework every Friday to be handed in by the following Wednesday. Please dojo me with any problems or activity your child has found hard and where possible we will follow this up in class.
Date Homework is set: |
Friday 8th November
Maths – Homework book
Friday 15th November |
English Reading Comprehension Book.
Friday 22nd November
Maths – Homework book or homework sheet |
Friday 29th November
English writing homework
Friday 6th December
Maths Homework book or Homework sheet |
Friday 13th December
Topic / holiday homework
Spellings will be handed out on a Friday to be tested the following Friday. Children can take their books home so that you can see their results, but they must have their book back in school every Monday.
Times tables will be tested every Friday morning. Children will be learning a selected times table during our weekly maths lesson. The aim is for all children to know their times tables up to 12x12 by the end of year 4. Any short practice, at any time will help your child to know all their facts for quick recall. For most of the half term I will test the children using the Daily 10 Top marks website: It will be set at level 4 and we will be on a 10 second interval for each question. This can be practiced at home at any time.
Kind regards Mr Fidler
(Class teacher Year 3 )
Curriculum Web and Topic Knowledge Organisers for this half term.
Please take a look at the wonderful things we will be learning about this half term.
Knowledge Organiser
Name | |
Knowledge organiser - shop till you drop.pptx | Download |
Please see below for this half terms spelling list
Autumn 1 Newsletter
A very warm welcome back to school after the summer holidays. I hope you have all had a lovely summer break and all the children are refreshed and well rested ready for the learning challenges ahead in year 3!
As you can see from the title, we have chosen to be called Awesome Owls for this academic year. During our summer transition days we have discussed the fact that an owl is represented on our school badge and are seen as wise and clever!!
This half term our topic will be Stone Age to Iron Age. We will learn all about which order the three key ages of prehistory happened in, why are they called Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age and what were some of the developments in how people lived from Stone Age to Iron Age.
In English, we will be writing some instructional texts about how to make a trap to catch a prehistoric animal and writing a setting and character description linked to the Iron Age. Our Maths lessons will focus on place value. Please keep on regularly practicing times tables: x2, x3, x4, x5, x 8 and x10. They really do make a difference to all maths work completed in class.
PE kit
Our PE days are on Mondays and Wednesdays. Starting on Wednesday 18th September we will be swimming at the Arc. On swimming days children come to school in their full school uniform. Please make sure they are wearing the correct PE kit. We will try where possible to do PE outside. Obviously this is weather dependent but where possible we will try and arrange at least one session a week that can take place indoors. Please make sure your child brings a warm tracksuit top.
- Reading books at an age appropriate level (within the year 3 Lexile Range)
- Asking questions of a fiction story – ( Stig of the Dump) to improve understanding
- Explaining and justifying understanding of the text using the PE prompt ( Point and Explain)
- To record information from a range of non-fiction texts
We will listen to children read in school in a variety of situations. The expectation will be that parents listen to children read their books at home and record any reading completed into the home/school reading record book. Please bring this into school everyday. Every Friday we will collect in Reading records and the children will be working towards Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates depending on how many reads they have collected at home over the year.
- I can compare and group rocks based on their appearance and physical properties, giving a reason
- I can describe how fossils are formed.
- I can describe how soil is made.
- I can describe and explain the difference between sedimentary and igneous rock
E Safety: (Self Image and Respect)
This half term we will be examining how we can describe positive ways for someone to interact with others online and understand how this will positively impact on how others perceive them. We will explore how an online identity can be different to the identity we present in ‘real life’. We will create an avatar poster to describe the right decisions about how Ito interact with others online and how this will impact on how others perceive me.
Your child will continue to receive homework every Friday to be handed in by the following Wednesday. Maths and English homework books will be handed out in the coming weeks. Please dojo me with any problems or activity your child has found hard and where possible we will follow this up in class.
Date Homework is sent home
Friday 13th September
Maths – Homework sheet or book: Place value
Friday 20th September |
English Reading Comprehension Book
Friday 27th September
Maths – Homework book or homework sheet |
Friday 4th October
English writing homework : A character description
Friday 11th October
Maths Homework book or Homework sheet |
Friday 18th October
English Reading Comprehension Book |
Friday 25th October
Topic holiday homework / Carousel quiz practice |
Spellings will be handed out on a Friday to be tested the following Friday. Children can take their books home so that you can see their results, but they must have their book back in school every Monday.
Times tables will be tested every Friday morning. Children will be learning a selected times table during our weekly maths lesson. The aim is for all children to know their times tables up to 12x12 by the end of year 4. Any short practice, at any time will help your child to know all their facts for quick recall. For the first half term I will test the children using the Daily 10 Top marks website: It will be set at level 4 and we will start on a 10 second interval for each question. This can be practiced at home at any time.
If you have any questions or if there is anything I can do to help then please do not hesitate to ask.
Kind regards
Mr Fidler
Class teacher Year 3
Curriculum Web and Topic Knowledge Organisers for this half term
Please take a look at the wonderful things we will be learning about this half term.
Knowledge Organiser Autumn 1
Name | |
KO stone age.pdf | Download |