Barlborough Primary School

Barlborough Primary School

Aiming Higher - Together

High Street, Barlborough, S43 4ET

01246 810381

 Magical Minibeasts (Year 1)

 magical Minibeasts (Year 1)


Spring 1 Newsletter

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope that you have all had a fantastic Christmas break. As we return back to school our new topic is ‘Winter Wonderland’ which will fit with the world around us at this time. Please see the attached topic web for a breakdown of what we will be focusing on in each subject. I have also sent home the knowledge organiser and the quiz linked to this for children to prepare for our new topic! See Dojo for the link.

Science Targets

Our Science topic this half term is ‘Seasonal changes - Winter.’ These are the targets that children will be working on.


I can observe and comment on the changes in the seasons.

I can name the seasons and suggest the type of weather in each season.

I can explain what I have found out by using scientific vocabulary.


Thank you to everyone that has supported their child with spellings last half term. Spellings will continue as normal this half term, spellings can be found on teams. Children will also continue to get bonus words linked to specific SPAG assessment.


This half term we will be looking at a specific genre rather than an author. The genre for this half term will be poetry. We will look at a range of different poets and styles of poetry and will use what we learn in our own writing.


In order to meet the expected standard for a Y1 reader, your child would need to be fluently reading and understanding the book levels stated below by the end of each term. The colours link to the extra books in the morning box.








Improving children’s memory really helps with retention of what is being taught at school. This half terms idea is an active memory game. Create a bank of actions (these can be on cards or just ideas. Take it in turns to add an action to a sequence. Keep adding action and see how many you can reach before someone forgets the pattern.

 Online safety

This half term we will be discussing online relationships and reputation. Children will talk about who they use the internet to talk to e.g. family/ FaceTime and what is appropriate to share online. This can sometimes be a good discussion which leads to discussing chatting to people in games, we will think about what to do in real life situations. We will also think about when children should ask permission to do things online, this may be something you wish to discuss and set your rules for at home.


Week 1


Week 2

Maths booklet

Week 3

Reading comp

Week 4

Phonics (screening check)

Week 5

Maths booklet

Week 6

Writing piece


P.E will continue to take place on a Monday and Wednesday. Hair needs to be tied up and earrings took out or taped up. Thank you to everyone for keeping up with this.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to catch me before or after school or via dojo.

Thank you,

Miss T Ward

Class Teacher

Curriculum Web and Topic Knowledge Organisers for this half term. 

Please take a look at the wonderful things we will be learning about this half term. 

Knowledge Organiser Autumn 1

 winterwonderland knowledge org.pdfDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Please see below for this half terms level 5 spelling list

 Spring 1 Spelling Test list level 5.docxDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Key Vocabulary 

 Please see below the vocabulary that we will be using in class this half term.

Autumn 2 Newsletter

Dear Parents/Carers,                                                                                 

 This is always a fantastic time of year in school with the run up to Christmas! This half term we will be doing some festive activities as well as our main topic ‘light explosions!’ I have created a topic web so that you can see what this topic will be covering.


This half term our targets are linked to our topic of ‘Materials’

Can I distinguish between an object and the material it is made from?

Can I explain the materials that an object is made from?

Can I name wood, plastic, glass, metal, water and rock?

Can I describe the properties of everyday materials?

Can I group objects based on the materials they are made from?

Exceeding -  Can I  explain what happens to certain materials when they are heated or cooled, for example, bread, ice, chocolate, jelly, etc?



Thank you to everyone that has supported their child with spellings last half term. It really does make a difference in writing and gives children a huge boost when they get them all correct! I will occasionally start to throw in some bonus words during the test this half term, these will be for assessment purposes and will be covered in phonics.


The author that we will be focusing on this half term is David McKee; he has written many popular books such as Mr Ben and the Elmer series. We will be building on our own story telling skills.


In order to meet the expected standard for a Y1 reader, your child would need to be fluently reading and understanding the book levels stated below by the end of each term. The colours link to the extra books in the morning box.








Memory game

The suggested memory activity this half term is clapping rhythms. Make up a pattern of claps and children are to repeat that rhythm. Continue to add to this to make longer patterns to remember. Children could also make their own rhythms and build up to longer rhythms.

Safer internet

This half term we will be covering online bullying and the importance of being kind to others on the internet just as you would in real life. We will also talk about different behaviours that can cause upset e.g. ignoring, leaving people out. This will also link to our PSHE unit focused on bullying and who to tell, different types of bullying and how to report it.


Thank you for supporting your child with their homework. This terms homework is as follows;


Week 1

Maths booklet

Week 2


Week 3

Maths booklet

Week 4


Week 5


Week 6

Maths booklet

Week 8

Literacy task – Santa letter


P.E will continue to take place on a Monday and Wednesday. A reminder that long hair should be tied up and earrings should either be taken out on PE days or taped up for health and safety reasons.

If you would like to discuss anything or have any further questions, then I am available before and after school on most days or via Dojo.


Thank you,

Miss T Ward

Class Teacher 

Curriculum Web and Topic Knowledge Organisers for this half term. 

Please take a look at the wonderful things we will be learning about this half term. 

Knowledge Organiser Autumn 1

 Gunpoweder plot knowledge organiser .pdfDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Please see below for this half terms level 5 spelling list

 Autumn 2 Spelling Test List level 5.docxDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Key Vocabulary 

 Please see below the vocabulary that we will be using in class this half term.

Autumn 1 Newsletter

Dear Parents/Carers,


Welcome back to a new school year and to year 1, I hope you have all had a fantastic summer break! Our topic this term is ‘Barnaby Bear’s Highland Adventure!’ and as many lessons as possible will be linked to this topic. I have created a topic web so that you can see what this topic will be covering.

Science Targets

This half terms topic is ‘seasonal changes’ and these are the targets we will work to achieve.

  • I can observe and comment on changes in the seasons.
  • I can name the seasons and suggest the type of weather in each season.
  • I can explain what I have found out using scientific vocabulary.


If you do want to help with your child’s writing at home we are focusing on using finger spaces, capital letters and full stops correctly this half term. We will then move onto using ‘and’ to join ideas and a focus of ensuring handwriting is the correct sizing. Every child will also be starting Level 5 phonics. They will be learning new sounds and spelling patterns each week, ask them to share these with you, but please feel free to ask if you need further support or advice.


Children will get 5 spellings a week; if they correctly spell all 5 then they will be rewarded with a team point. The spellings they receive will be linked to a phonics sound that they have been working on that week and they will be tested on a Friday. There will also be spelling homework to hand in each week, that should also help the children learn their spellings. Any help you can give your children at home is greatly appreciated and makes a big difference in their writing. Later in the year children will also get bonus words which will be random words linked to spelling patterns we have done in class. The last week of each half term will be a recap test.  

Reading books/ Bookbags

Our reading scheme is perfectly matched to our phonics scheme which is Twinkl phonics. Children will receive a new book each Friday (Providing the previous book has come back into school- lost books do have a charge of £3.40 to repurchase a new book) Children will take their bookbags home and return them to school each day as they will read the same reading book in school, so they are fully immersed in that book. Children will only be sent 1 book home each week as it is expected that children re-read books multiple times to improve fluency and comprehension. There will be a box of extra books that I will put outside on a Monday and Wednesday morning that parents can pick out any extra books to take home if you would like any. These will be on a trust basis and will be changed throughout the year. In the box there are also some extra phonics and maths games back that you are welcome to take to support children at home, again these can be swopped as and when you need. Please ensure that all parts are back into the plastic wallet before returning so they are ready for the next person.

In order to meet the expected standard for a Y1 reader, your child would need to be fluently reading and understanding the book levels stated below by the end of each term. The colours link to the extra books in the morning box.









We have noticed a link between children’s memories and being able to follow instructions and retain things that have been taught. To try and help your child’s working memory you may want to try this game.

Magic cup game –

Place three identical, plastic cups in a line on the table, rim down. Place a pom pom or small rubber ball under one cup, allowing your child to see which cup the pom pom/ball is under. Shuffle the cups around by sliding them across the table, switching their positions quickly back and forth and all around. Once you have stopped moving the cups ask your child to identify which cup the ball is now under.

Internet safety

This half term we will be looking at privacy and security both online and when using an electronic device. This will include why it is important to have a strong password and keeping it safe. We will also look at self-image and identity linked to filming in ICT. You may wish to discuss different situations as they arise in real life, that we may need to ask someone’s permission before taking a photo/ video of them.


Children will have the first few weeks to settle into their new surroundings before homework is given. Homework will be given out on a Friday and should be returned to school by Wednesday. Your child may need support reading the task but as the year progresses they should become more confident at having ago by themselves. You are welcome to work with them and let them know if an answer is incorrect, supporting them to correct it.


Week 1

No homework

Week 2

No homework

Week 3

No homework

Week 4


Week 5

Maths booklet

Week 6


Week 7

Literacy – instructions



P.E will take place on a Monday and a Wednesday. Children will need to come to school in their PE kit on these days. As it gets colder children may need gloves and a hat for outdoor PE.

A few further bits of information:

  • Just a reminder that children with pierced ears should have their earrings removed or taped up before school on PE days.
  • Please avoid booking to go away during June as this is usually when the phonics screening check that we have to do in year 1 takes place. I will speak to you more about this during the first parents evening.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to catch me before or after school or via Dojo.


Thank you,

Miss T Ward

Class Teacher


Curriculum Web Autumn 1

Please take a look at the wonderful things we will be learning about this half term.

Knowledge Organiser Autumn 1

 knowledge organisers topic cycle 1 (2).pptxDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Please see below for this half terms level 5 spelling list

 Autumn 1 spelling lists Level 5.docxDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Key Vocabulary 

 Please see below the vocabulary that we will be using in class this half term.

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