Barlborough Primary School

Barlborough Primary School

Aiming Higher - Together

High Street, Barlborough, S43 4ET

01246 810381



 At Barlborough Primary School, we want to make sure that you feel looked after, safe and happy when you are in and out of school.  

 At our school we identify bullying by:

Bullying is not the odd occasion of falling out with friends, name calling, arguments or fights. However these are also serious incidents which would be dealt with by teachers. This could be physical or verbal or it could be done online

Types of unwelcome acts of bullying might include:

Physical - hitting, kicking, tripping up, pinching, pushing or damaging property

Verbal – name calling, insults, teasing, ‘jokes’, mocking, taunting, gossiping, secrets and threats.

Non-verbal – staring, body language, gestures, posturing.

Indirect – excluding / leaving people out, spreading rumours and stories, emails, chat rooms, messaging phones, notes, making rude gestures or faces.

Racist - name calling, or negative comments about race, culture or religion

Online bullying or Cyberbullying – any of those actions above that take place online through digital devices e.g., mobile phones, computers and tablets.


At Barlborough Primary School we do the following:

 We have Golden Rules to keep everyone safe.
 We teach children how to build friendships.
 We support children to develop coping strategies.
 We plan lessons, assemblies and displays which teach children about bullying.
 We teach children how to be safe online.
 We celebrate differences and challenge stereotypes.
 We encourage children to talk to an adult if they feel that they are being bullied.

Why do some children bully others?

All children at some point could become a bully or become the victim of bullying. There is no stereotype of a typical bully or a typical victim. Children bully for a variety of reasons:

 It might seem funny at the time – they don’t realise that it hurts.
 It makes them feel powerful.
 They want to impress others around them.
 They feel bad about themselves and so they want to make others feel the same way.
 They are jealous.
 They have been bullied themselves and are taking it out on someone else.

Often, children who bully need support too.

How do I know if my child is being bullied?

Here are some possible signs and symptoms:

 Becoming withdrawn or anxious.
 Having trouble sleeping.
 Saying that they do not want to come to school.
 Some physical signs.
 Complaining of feeling unwell.

You know your child better than anyone – if you think something is wrong, encourage them to talk to you about how they feel.

What should I do if my child is being bullied?

 If your child tells you that they think they are being bullied, keep calm. Getting angry can often make children worry even more.
 Allow the school to look into your concerns.
 Listen to your child.
 Where there might be evidence such as text messages or emails, keep these to share them with the school if necessary.
 Encourage your child to talk to a trusted adult at school – if they refuse, then offer to talk to the class teacher on their behalf.
 Advise your child not to retaliate – this makes the situation worse.

Who can help me in school?

Any of the adults in school will help you or you may want to go one of these adults. 

  • Mr Reardon- Acting Headteacher and Deputy Safeguarding Lead
  • Miss Edwards- Anti-Bullying Lead
  • Miss Jolly- Online Safety Lead
  • Mrs Bartley- Anti stigma and SMILERS Lead.

We are all here to listen to you. 
.If you have any concerns that your child or another child is being bullied this should be reported to the class teacher and they will inform the relevant staff above. This will allow us to monitor and help resolve any issues as quickly as possible. 

How can I protect my child from cyber-bullying?

Today one of the most common forms of bullying is cyber-bullying. Many children have access to the internet through mobile phones, tablets and computers. Here are some simple reminders to protect your child from cyber-bullying or other dangers online.

 Never share passwords, even with your best friends.
 Block people if they are sending messages which upset you.
 Don’t reply to nasty messages.
 Never give out personal information online.
 If you are sent a nasty message or picture, keep it and show a trusted adult.
 Think before you send out a message or photo of yourself — these can be shared by others and this is out of your control


You can see our school’s policy documents by following the link below:

Anti-Bullying Policy.pdf

Child Friendly Anti-Bullying Policy


Helpful Websites

Meet Our Anti-Bullying AMBASSADORS 

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