Barlborough Primary School

Barlborough Primary School

Aiming Higher - Together

High Street, Barlborough, S43 4ET

01246 810381



Statement of Intent

Through our computing curriculum at Barlborough Primary School we aim to prepare all of our students to embrace and utilise technology in a responsible and safe way, to equip them for an ever-changing digital world. Knowledge and understanding of ICT is of increasing importance for children’s futures, both at home and for employment. Our Computing curriculum focuses on a progression of skills in digital literacy, computer science, information technology and online safety to ensure that children become competent in safely using, as well as understanding, technology. These strands are revisited repeatedly through a range of themes during children’s time in school to ensure the learning is embedded and skills are successfully developed. Our intention is that Computing also supports children’s creativity and cross curricular learning to engage children and enrich their experiences in school.

Our online safety lessons ensure that we develop our children’s resilience when dealing with issues online, along with their problem-solving and critical thinking skills. We want our pupils to have a breadth of experience to develop their understanding of themselves as individuals within their community but also as members of a wider global community and as responsible digital citizens, making a positive impact online.


Statement of Intent

“Children have the right to enjoy childhood online, to access safe online spaces, and to benefit from all the opportunities that a connected world can bring to them, appropriate to their age and stage” (UKCIS, 2020).

 At Barlborough Primay School we want our pupils to become digitally literate, critical, safe and responsible citizens to enable effective and enjoyable experiences in the digital world.

 We are fully committed to keeping all of our pupils safe and recognise that learning about online safety happens through a range of subjects and approaches. We have adopted the UK Council for Internet Safety’s, ‘Education for a Connected World’ (2020) as a framework of knowledge and skills to support and broaden the provision of online safety education within our school, which is progressive from Early Years to the end of Year 6.  

·We recognise that online safety education is a whole school matter and goes well beyond the computing curriculum alone, therefore, our teaching of framework objectives will come in many forms, for example, through standalone lessons as well as discrete online safety and PSHE lessons.

·We also target online learning in other aspects of school life, such as during pastoral interactions, assemblies and special events.  

 With this approach, it is our intention that pupils will build resilience and develop safe and appropriate behaviours online, which in turn will lead to positive online experiences.



During their time at Barlborough Primary School all pupils need to develop a broad range of knowledge and skills across all curriculum areas.  To ensure that learning is targeted at the appropriate challenge level, progression grids are used.
Please find the computing and online safety progression grid below. 

 EYFS Progression Grid Computing.pdfDownload
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intent, IMPLEMENTATION and impact

Please find the Intent, Implementation and Impact statements for Computing and Online Safety below. 

 Three Is Computing.docxDownload
 Three Is online safety.docxDownload
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