Online Safety Guidance
At Barlborough Primary School, we prioritise educating our children about safe internet use, recognising the potential pitfalls they may encounter. Our commitment is to equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to make secure choices. We regularly integrate refreshers into the curriculum to guide them in specific circumstances.
Stay informed by visiting our 'Online Safety Updates' page, where you can find our termly newsletters and updates on important events in the online world.
Please see the information below for information about how you can implement some online safety measures at home or develop your knowledge and understanding of parental controls, devices, games and apps.
Home Internet: For parents, we've provided a link below outlining how to set parental controls on internet access. While these controls aren't flawless, they certainly contribute to a safer online environment. Additionally, you can find advice on YouTube and Google safesearch via this link: [] Game Consoles and Handhelds: To make Game Consoles and Handhelds safer for your children, follow the guidance provided in this link: []
Taking control of your child's internet access is crucial, and we recommend discussing these measures with them. Mobile Apps and Games: The NSPCC highlighted the need for information on privacy settings for mobile apps and games. We strongly suggest reviewing the revised 'Net Aware Guide,Net Aware Guide,' covering social media sites and online platforms popular with children. For additional guidance, explore which provides age-appropriate media reviews and insightful information for parents. Social Media: With primary-aged children gaining access to social media, we've included guidance below to assist parents. It offers practical tips, encouraging open communication and involvement in your child's online activities. Remember, understanding their online world enhances your ability to guide and protect them. - Talk to your child about their online activities, fostering an open dialogue. - Watch Thinkuknow films and cartoons together, available for various age groups. - Encourage exploration of age-appropriate, educational websites. - Stay updated on your child's online development to provide relevant guidance. - Establish boundaries for online activities, just as in the real world. - Keep internet-connected devices in family spaces to monitor usage. - Be aware of devices connecting to the internet and their access points. - Utilise parental controls on various devices, making online safety more manageable.
CEOP Reporting:
If you have any concerns, please visit CEOP, where you can report issues: [] For more comprehensive guidance on internet safety, especially for secondary school students, please refer to our secondary school advice. Thank you for your commitment to keeping our children safe online.