The School Day
Children should not arrive before 8.40 am (when the Head Teacher or a Senior Teacher will be on the playground)unless they are attending breakfast or another club as the playground is not supervised before this time.
Key Stage 1 and Reception
7.45 Breakfast Club
8.50 Reception and Key Stage 1 doors open
9.00 Registration
10.45-11.00 Playtime.
12.00-1.00 Key Stage 1 lunchtime
2.00-2.15 Whole school assembly
2.15-2.25 Playtime
3.20 End of school - Reception and Key Stage 1 children collected by parents/carers
Key Stage 2
7.45 Breakfast Club
8.55 Key Stage 2 doors open
9.00 Registration
10.45-11.00 Playtime.
12.15-1.10 Key Stage 2 lunchtime.
2.00-2.15 Whole school assembly
2.15-2.25 Playtime
3.25 pm End of school – Key Stage 2 children go out on to the playground with their teacher . If they are normally collected and nobody arrives, they must stand on the playground with their teacher who will bring them back into school and contact parents/carers if necessary.
Our school day runs from 8:50 - 3:25, 5 days a week, for 190 days a year.
Children spend 6 hours and 35 minutes at school each day, fulfilling the weekly requirement of 32 hours and 55 minutes.