Big BrAIn Bears (Year 6)
Spring 2 Newsletter
Welcome back.
Year 6 have made a great start to the term this week. We’ve had lots of children coming into the Hub in the mornings, which has been great to see. We will be starting to do a bit more SATs preparation this half term with dedicated Reading and Arithmetic sessions.
This term we are joined by Miss Spavold from SHU who will be working with us until June. She will be starting to teach the children in some of their afternoon lessons.
Please remember to bring in your Reading Record and Bingo card every Friday. It is really important to keep up the reading at home, even when your child is reading by themselves, as they will need to be able to read extended lengths of texts in Year 6 and build up their reading stamina.
Online Safety
In this term’s online safety sessions, we will be discussing screen time and what is a healthy amount of screen time for young people.
I can explain and discuss my understanding by drawing inferences and justifying these with evidence. |
I can summarise the main ideas from a text. |
I can independently work out the meaning of words from the context. |
Earth and Space |
I can describe and explain the movement of the Earth and other planets relative to the Sun. |
I can describe and explain the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth. |
I can explain and demonstrate how night and day are created. |
I can describe the Sun, Earth and Moon (using the term spherical). |
Your child will receive homework every Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday.
Week beginning |
24.2 |
Maths – Mathletics English –Workbook activity Spellings Reading at home |
3.3 |
Maths – Workbook activity English – Worksheet activity Spellings Reading at home |
10.3 |
Maths – Mathletics English –Workbook activity Spellings Reading at home |
17.3 |
Maths – Workbook activity English – Worksheet activity Spellings Reading at home |
24.3 |
Maths – Mathletics English –Workbook activity Spellings Reading at home |
31.3 |
Easter Revision pack |
Spellings will be handed out on a Friday and be tested the following Friday.
Water Bottles & PE Kit
Children are encouraged to bring drinks bottles to school with water so they can have a drink in class.
This half term, PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon. Please ensure your child comes dressed in an appropriate PE kit for outdoor PE on these days – preferably in their house T shirt. Long hair (any hair that is shoulder length) must be tied back and earrings should be removed.
If you have any questions or if there is anything we can do to help then please do not hesitate to ask.
Mrs Biggin, Mrs Webster, Mrs Hewison and Miss Spavold
Curriculum Web and Topic Knowledge Organisers for this half term.
Please take a look at the wonderful things we will be learning about this half term.
Name | |
DEADLY POLE TO POLE.pdf | Download |
Please see below for this half terms spelling list and Timetables
Spring 1 Newsletter
Lots of children have completed their first reading award and are well on their way with their second award. We have started a reading session on a Wednesday afternoon to focus on how to answer SATs style reading comprehension questions. The more your child reads at home, the greater their stamina for reading will be so please keep encouraging the reading at home.
I can explain and discuss my understanding by drawing inferences and justifying these with evidence. |
I can identify how meaning is enhanced through choice of vocabulary. |
I can recognise and explain figurative language, including metaphors, similes and personification. |
Classification |
I can describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including micro-organisms, plants and animals. |
I can give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics. |
Your child will receive homework every Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday.
Week beginning |
8.1 |
Maths – Mathletics English – Workbook Activity Reading at home Spellings |
15.1 |
Maths – Workbook activity English – Worksheet activity Spellings Reading at home |
22.1 |
Maths – Mathletics English –Workbook activity Spellings Reading at home |
29.1 |
Maths – Workbook activity English – Worksheet activity Spellings Reading at home |
5.2 |
Maths – Mathletics English –Workbook activity Spellings Reading at home |
12.2 |
Topic based homework Spellings |
Spellings will be handed out on a Friday and be tested the following Friday.
.Water Bottles & PE Kit
Children are encouraged to bring drinks bottles to school with water so they can have a drink in class.
This half term, PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon. Please ensure your child comes dressed in an appropriate PE kit for outdoor PE on these days – preferably in their house T shirt. Long hair (any hair that is shoulder length) or long fringes must be tied back and earrings should be removed.
If you have any questions or if there is anything we can do to help then please do not hesitate to ask.
Mrs Biggin, Mrs Webster and Mrs Hewison
Curriculum Web for this half term
Please take a look at the wonderful things we will be learning about this half term
Knowledge Organiser
Name | |
Please see below for this half terms spelling list
Autumn 2 Newsletter
Welcome back. This is a very busy term with many exciting things planned as we run up to Christmas.
The children have made a good start towards their Sapphire, Diamond and Platinum rewards. As a reminder, to achieve Sapphire, they will need to show they have read 50 times, to achieve Diamond, it will be 100 times and Platinum 150 times. Building up reading stamina and vocabulary is so important in Year 6 and reading at home will really help your child to do this.
I can explain and discuss my understanding by drawing inferences and justifying these with evidence. |
I can make comparisons across different texts, including texts written in different time periods. |
I can deduce the meaning of vocabulary from a text. |
Properties and changes of materials |
I can compare and group materials based on their properties (e.g. hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity, [electrical & thermal], and response to magnets). |
I can describe how a material dissolves to form a solution; explaining the process of dissolving. |
I can describe and show how to recover a substance from a solution. |
I can describe how some materials can be separated. |
I can demonstrate how materials can be separated (e.g. through filtering, sieving and evaporating). |
I know and can demonstrate that some changes are reversible and some are not. |
I can explain how some changes result in the formation of a new material and that this is usually irreversible. |
I can discuss reversible and irreversible changes. |
I can give evidenced reasons why materials should be used for specific purposes. |
Your child will receive homework every Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday.
Week beginning |
6.11 |
Maths – Mathletics English – Workbook Activity Reading at home Spellings |
13.11 |
Maths – Workbook activity English – Worksheet activity Spellings Reading at home |
20.11 |
Maths – Mathletics English –Workbook activity Spellings Reading at home |
27.11 |
Maths – Workbook activity English – Worksheet activity Spellings Reading at home |
4.12 |
Maths – Mathletics English –Workbook activity Spellings Reading at home |
11.12 |
Maths – Workbook activity English – Worksheet activity Spellings Reading at home |
18.12 |
Topic based homework Spellings |
Spellings will be handed out on a Friday and be tested the following Friday. Your child will bring their books home on a Friday so that you can see their scores but need to return in the following Monday.
Water Bottles & PE Kit
Children are encouraged to bring drinks bottles to school with water so they can have a drink in class.
This half term, PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon. Please ensure your child comes dressed in an appropriate PE kit for outdoor PE on these days – preferably in their house T shirt. Long hair (any hair that is shoulder length) must be tied back and earrings should be removed.
If you have any questions or if there is anything we can do to help then please do not hesitate to ask.
Mrs Biggin, Mrs Webster and Mrs Hewison
Curriculum Web for this half term
Please take a look at the wonderful things we will be learning about this half term
Knowledge Organiser
Name | |
LA DOLCE VITA Knowledge organiser.pdf | Download |
Autumn 1 Newsletter
Welcome to Year 6! It’s so lovely to see everyone back after the Summer. I’ve really enjoyed the first week back and there’s been a really calm atmosphere in the classroom which has been lovely.
We are so excited to be opening our new, improved library next week. Once everything is open, we’ll be able to make sure that every child has a lexiled reading book and will therefore be able to start the reading reward system. The children will be able to achieve their Sapphire, Diamond and Platinum rewards this year. To achieve Sapphire, they will need to show they have read 50 times, to achieve Diamond, it will be 100 times and Platinum 150 times. Building up reading stamina and vocabulary is so important in Year 6 and reading at home will really help your child to do this.
I can summarise main ideas and key details, using quotations for illustration. |
I can retrieve information from different sources. |
I can explain and discuss my understanding by drawing inferences and justifying these with evidence. |
Properties and changes of materials |
I can compare and group materials based on their properties (e.g. hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity, [electrical & thermal], and response to magnets). |
I can describe how a material dissolves to form a solution; explaining the process of dissolving. |
I can describe and show how to recover a substance from a solution. |
I can describe how some materials can be separated. |
I can demonstrate how materials can be separated (e.g. through filtering, sieving and evaporating). |
I know and can demonstrate that some changes are reversible and some are not. |
I can explain how some changes result in the formation of a new material and that this is usually irreversible. |
I can discuss reversible and irreversible changes. |
I can give evidenced reasons why materials should be used for specific purposes. |
Your child will receive homework every Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday.
Week beginning |
4.9 |
Maths – Workbook activity Spellings
11.9 |
Maths – Mathletics English – Workbook Activity Reading at home Spellings |
18.9 |
Maths – Workbook activity English – Worksheet activity Spellings Reading at home |
25.9 |
Maths – Mathletics English –Workbook activity Spellings Reading at home |
2.10 |
Maths – Workbook activity English – Worksheet activity Spellings Reading at home |
9.10 |
Maths – Mathletics English –Workbook activity Spellings Reading at home |
16.10 |
Maths – Workbook activity English – Worksheet activity Spellings Reading at home |
23.10 |
Topic based homework Spellings |
Spellings will be handed out on a Friday and be tested the following Friday. Your child will bring their books home on a Friday so that you can see their scores but need to return in the following Monday.
Water Bottles & PE Kit
Children are encouraged to bring drinks bottles to school with water so they can have a drink in class.
This half term, PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon. Please ensure your child comes dressed in an appropriate PE kit for outdoor PE on these days – preferably in their house T shirt. Long hair (any hair that is shoulder length) must be tied back and earrings should be removed.
If you have any questions or if there is anything we can do to help then please do not hesitate to ask.
Mrs Biggin, Mrs Webster and Mrs Hewison
Curriculum Web for this half term
Please take a look at the wonderful things we will be learning about this half term